Saturday, January 9, 2016

The origin of Lake Toba (Part III)

Get yelled at the child's father and the child Hit

Stories Folktales, folktales stories, folktale stories

However, due to the excessive affection, the child Becomes a child spoiled and lazy. When he was a teenager, his mother Often told him to deliver food and drinks to his father who was working in the fields. However, the child always refuses her mother's command, so that the mother should be forced to deliver the food.

One day, the mother was feeling unwell. Also he sent his son in order to deliver the packages containing rice and grilled fish for his father. At first the boys refused, but as the mother continues to force him, finally feeling annoyed with the boy that deliver food. Along the way, Suddenly the boy felt hungry. He stopped and opened it. Greedily, he ate some rice and side dishes to the left just a little rice and fish meat attached to the bones. Once full, he repack the food and proceed to the field.

Arriving at the field, he Immediately handed it to his father. Well, you did a diligent children, my children! Praise the father, smiling. The father who has been starving soon unwrap it. He was surprised when he SAW the contents of the package are only remnants. His heart was initially happy and excited, Suddenly turn into upset and angry. Hi, why the contents of this package only remnants? Asked the father, blushing. Sorry, dad! On the last trip I was very hungry, so I ate some of the contents of the bundle, Replied the children.

Hearing the answer boys, the father's anger was mounting. Also he hit his boys son, saying, elementary children are not ungrateful! You really boys child descendant fish! While holding the pain of being beaten, the boy asked his father, what do you mean dad? Why say i'm the offspring of fish?

For all you know, your mother is a fish incarnation, responsible father. Hearing his answer, the boys Immediately ran back to his home crying. At home, she complained to her mother Immediately. Moms ...! Father hit me and said I was the offspring of fish, the boy said. Mother was very sad to hear the complaint that her son boys, Because her husband had violated his Oath with the words slur proposal that leverage origin. Instantly it was Also he sent his children in order to ascend to the top of the hill. My children! Climb to the top of the hill and climb the tallest trees! Exclaimed the mother in tears.

The boy complained to his mother

Without question again, the boy Immediately ran up the hill, not far from their homes. When the child was up on the hillside, the mother Immediately ran towards the river. As he was on the edge of the river, which was originally sunny weather, Suddenly turned into darkness. The sky rumbled Followed by lightning flashing accompanied by torrential rain. At that moment, the mother Immediately jumped into the river and Suddenly turned into a big fish. Not long after, the river was flooded and the water overflowed everywhere, so tergenanglah valley where the river flows. Eventually, it widespread waterlogging and Eventually turns into a huge lake. By the local community, the lake was called lake Toba.

The core of folklore origin of Lake Toba

Thus Spake the story of the origin of lake Toba north Sumatra, Indonesia. Stories above the category containing the legend of moral values ​​?? that can be used as guidelines in our daily lives. There are at least two moral values ​​?? that can be learned from the story above, the which is due to the bad nature of spoiling the child and the nature of not very good at keeping mandate. First, the bad consequences Because too spoil the child, as seen in the attitude of the nomad and his wife who pamper Reviews their children to devote attention and affection excessively. As a result, his son Becomes Slacker. Second, the bad consequences are not good at maintaining the trust people who are not good at maintaining the trust is a person who can not be trusted. This is what happened to the nomad who has reneged on a promise and vow to bring up the origins of his wife in front of Reviews their children. As a result, his wife left him and went back transformed into a big fish.

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