Saturday, January 16, 2016

Define work culture on implementation objectives and benefits environment around

Define culture at work

1. Define work culture

An employment success, rooted in the values ​​of which are owned and behaviors become habits. Those values ​​originated from the customs, religion, norms and rules of the belief becomes a habit in work behavior or organization. The values ​​that have become habit is called culture. Therefore the culture associated with the quality or the quality of work, then called define work culture
Cultural literally comes from the Latin language that has meaning Colere work the land, cultivate, maintain fields (according Soerjanto Poespowardojo 1993).
According to The American Herritage Dictionary defines culture as a whole is of a pattern of behavior that is transmitted through social life, seniagama, institutional, and all the work and the human thought of a human group.
According Koentjaraningrat culture is a whole system of ideas and the work of human actions in the context of a society that human beings have used as a way of learning.

B. Meaning / define work culture

Define culture at work is a philosophy with a view of life based on the values ​​of the properties, and also the driving habits are cultivated in a group and be reflected in the attitude of behavior, ideals, ideas, opinions and actions manifested as work. (Source: Drs. Gering Supriyadi, MM and Drs. Tri Guno, LLM)
C. Establishment of define work culture
Cultures differ between organizations working with one another, it is because the foundation and the attitude reflected by the behavior of everyone in the organization is different.

Define culture at work  that is formed in a positive way will be beneficial for each member in an organization requires brainstorming, an opinion even constructive criticism of the scope of pekerjaaannya for the progress in educational institutions, but the define work culturewould be bad if the employee in an organization issued a different opinion it is because of differences in the expression of each individual, energy and mind, because every individual has the ability and expertise suit their respective fields.

To improve good define culture at work takes years to change it, then there is need for improvement-improvement that starts from the attitude and behavior of the leader followed by his subordinates, a culture of work initiated awareness level leaders or appointed official in which the relationship between the leader with subordinates so that will determine its own way what a run in the working unit or organization.

So in this case formed in the define work cultureof the organization's work unit or stand, meaning formation occurs when the define work cultureof the work environment or organization learned in dealing with problems, both concerning the organizational problems

C. Interest Or Benefits define work culture

Define culture at work has a goal to change the attitudes and behavior of human resources in order to increase labor productivity to face many challenges in the future.

The benefits of implementing a good define culture at work:
  1. Improve the life of mutual cooperation
  2.  Improve togetherness
  3. Mutually open to each other
  4. Improve family life
  5. Enhance the sense of kinship
  6. Establish better communication
  7. Improve work productivity
  8. Response to the development of the outside world, etc.

D. Elements of Work Culture

Work culture is grounded on the values ​​held by the people or the people of Indonesia that is processed in such a way into new values ​​that will be the attitude and behavior expected of management in an effort to face new challenges. Work culture will not arise for granted, but must be pursued in earnest through a controlled process involving all human resources in a set of systems, tools and techniques of support.
Work culture will become a reality through a long process, because of changes in the values ​​of the old into the new values ​​will take time to become a habit and ceaselessly continue to make improvements and repairs.

According Taliziduhu Ndraha, work culture can be divided into two elements, namely:
  1. The attitude towards work, the love of work compared with other activities, such as relaxing, or simply derive satisfaction from the bustle of the work itself, or feel forced to do something just for survival.
  2. The behavior at work, like a diligent, dedicated, responsible, careful, conscientious, meticulous, a strong willingness to learn the duties and responsibilities, like helping Sesma employee, or vice versa.

Work culture is an organization wide commitment in efforts to build mnusia resources, work processes and work better. To achieve increasingly better quality levels are expected to come from the behavior of each individual involved in the organization of work itself. Each function or work process mempunyayi differences in ways of working, resulting in different values ​​suitable to be taken within the framework of the organization. Each of the values ​​of what is rightly held by the top leaders and other leaders, how each person's behavior will affect their work.

According Triguno elements in organizational culture, among others:
  1. Philosophy, in the form of the noble values ​​of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, religion, tradition and technology.
  2. Quality, the dimensions of which include performance, features, conformance, durability, serviceability, aesthetics, perseived quality, value, responveness, humanity, security, and competency.
  3. The values ​​of the instrument, ie the standards of quality, customer-supplier relationships, preventive orientation, quality and every source, and continuous improvement.

As for the indicators of work culture Taliziduhu Ndraha can be categorized according to three Namely:

1) Habit

Habits can usually be seen from the way the formation of organizational behavior of employees, ie behavior based on awareness of their rights and obligations, freedom or authority and responsibilities of both individuals and groups within the scope of the work environment. As for other terms that can be considered more powerful than the attitude, namely the establishment of (position), if the attitude is not expected to be changed stance based on firmness or strength. It means that the attitude is a reflection of the pattern of behavior or attitude is often done well in the waking state or in a state of disadar, habits are usually difficult to be repaired quickly because of the nature that is brought from lahiriyah, but can be overcome with the rules expressly both organization or company.

2) Regulations

To provide order and comfort in performing job duties of employees, the required regulation because regulation is a form of assertiveness and the most important part to realize the discipline employees to comply with all forms of regulations that apply in educational institutions. So expect employees to have a high level of awareness of the consequences in accordance with the regulations in force in both the organization of the company as well as in educational institutions.

3) Values

An appreciation of one's values ​​about what is more important or less important, what is better or less good, and what is more true or less true. To be able to contribute value must manifest themselves through the media or a particular encoder. Values ​​are abstract, can only be observed or perceived if they are recorded or contained in a vehicle or work culture. So the values ​​and work culture are inseparable, and both must be no alignment with the direction of the work culture, harmony and balance. The valuation has been very important to give an evaluation of the performance of employees in order to deliver value both in quality and quantity define work culture.

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