Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Kinship systems Batak tribes ( I )

Batak, Tribes, tribal, clan, kinship

Batak Toba

Kinship in Batak society

Kinship in Batak society has two types, namely kinship based on lineage or genealogy and based on sociological. All tribes have Batak clan, is called kinship based genealogy. While kinship based sociological formed through marriage. Kinship system appears in the midst of society because of legal concerns with one another in social life.

In the tradition of Batak, the Indigenous unity is called the blood ties with the tribal. Batak tribes are divided into six categories or families, the tribal Toba, tribal Karo, tribal Pakpak, tribal Simalungun, tribal Angkola, and tribal Mandailing. Each of these families has a characteristic of his family name. This tribal serves as a sign of the kinship between them. One clan can have many clans.

Highways in Batak Karo tribes are 5 clans, the tribal Karo-karo, Ginting, Sembiring, Tarigan, and Paranginangin. Of the five clans that there are sub clan again. In total there are 84 sub-clan.tribal

The Batak Toba, is said to be a clan clans in Batak tribes were encamped page (Marbona Pasogit) in the Toba area. One exemplarily clan in Toba, Batak tribes namely Siahaan, Siregar, Aritonang, Simangungsong, Marpaung, Napitupulu, and Pardede.

In the tribe of tribal Pakpak, they are bound by a social structure in the local slang called soot Silima consisting of five elements, namely Sinina oldest (Perisang-Isang, descent or the oldest generation), Sinina mediator (Pertulan middle, descendants or generations in the middle ), Sinina terbungsu (perekur-ekur, descent terbungsu), namely relative Berru girl receiver and giver relatives Puang the girl.

The fifth element is a very important role in the decision-making process in many aspects of life, especially in the kinship system, ceremonies and in the context lebbuh community or Kuta. That is to the five elements must be involved in order to become a legitimate decision taken by custom.

Then the Batak tribes Simelungun there are four original clans Simelungun parts that are popular with the acronym SISADAPUR, namely Sinaga, Saragih, Damanik, and marga Purba. Four clans is the result of Harungguan Bolon (great deliberation) between the four kings of each of these kings, not to attack each other and not against each other.

While the ethnic tribal Mandailing only known a few semarga course, among other things Lubis, Nasution, Harahap, Pulungan, marga Batubara, Parinduri, latitude, Hasibuan, Rambe, Dalimunthe, Rangkuti, cape, Mardia, Daulay, Matondang, and Hutasuhut.

Batak kinship group drawn from the male line of descent or patrilineal. A Batak feel full life if he had had a son who continued his clan. According to the book "Ancestors Marga Marga Batak", the total number as many as 416 Highways Batak, including tribal clan Nias.

To determine a nation Batak tribes which derived lineage, they use Torombo. With the Batak tribes Tarombo man knows his position in a clan. Batak people believe, that kinship can use this Torombo unknown origin that led to the Si Raja Batak.

For tribal Toba, Si Raja Batak is the daughter of descent Debata Mulajadi Nabolon, God the creator of the earth and its contents. The Lord reigns mother Si Raja Batak to create the earth, and his mother lived in an area called Siandjur Mulamula. The area is home to Si Raja Batak and descendants. This area is the land of Batak, which places all over the Batak originate.

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