Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Kinship Systems in Indonesia ( III )

Meanwhile, anthropologist G.P. Murdock in his cognatic Forms of Social Organization kinship groups divide into three categories based on their social function, namely the corporate kinship group (corporate kingroups), sometimes kinship group (occasional kingroups), and groups representing the unity of the indigenous kinship (circumscriotipitive kingroups).

1. Kinship Group Corporation (Corporate Kingroups)

The number of members of this group is relatively small. Its members still know each other and get along antarsesamanya, repeatedly perform group activities, as well as having a system of rights and obligations that govern their interaction system based on certain norms. Such kinship group contained nearly the entire population. In Indonesia, the name for this kinship group manifold. For example, sipopoli (Ngada, Flores), sangambato seboa (Nias), the (Minangkabau), Kuren (Bali), and sara kitchen (Gayo).

2. Sometimes Kinship Group (Occasional Kingroups)

This kinship group is temporary or permanent. While the relatively large number of its members and does not run around continuously. Its members come together only when there are certain activities, such as mutual assistance, hold particular celebration, or hold ceremonial life cycle. In some ethnic groups in Indonesia, the term that describes the kinship group, such groups (Sunda), family (Minahasa, Ambon), and relatives (Java).

3. Kinship group that symbolizes the unity of Indigenous (Circumscriotipitive Kingroups)
This kinship groups have members very much, so that between them do not know each other and do not have a social relationship that continually. However, the members of this group realize that he is part of the unity that is based on certain traditional emblem. Examples of such a family group is a large clan and a half people. Members of the clan of which are descendants of a common ancestor, either patrilineal or matrilineal which has passed through dozens of generations. They are often bound by signs of birth, such as the name of the clan, totem emblem and sacred tales.

Examples of large clan name is the last name on the Batak tribe. For example clan Siahaan, Ginting, Simanjuntak, Nasution, Sembiring, and others. In the kinship group, there are terms that symbolize the unity of the group in a society. The terms included the Kindred, extended family, ambilineal small, large ambilineal, clan, fratri, and half of society.

C. Kindred

In various societies in the world, people often get along and help each other, and doing activities together with siblings and close relatives. This kinship unity called Kindred, starting from a citizen who initiate an activity, for example, meetings, ceremonies, or parties lifecycle. Such events are usually attended only by relatives who are not too far away where he lived, although residents were far too seek themselves to attend it because it considers this event important enough. Because the boundaries are not clear, then the Kindred is not a corporation, but its limits only occasional (sometimes) only.

D. Extended family
There are three broad families are:

  1. Utrolokal extensive family, which is based custom untrolokal and consists of a senior nuclear family with conjugal families of boys and girls.
  2. Spacious family virilokal the customary virilokal and consisting of senior nuclear family with keliuarga-core family of boys.
  3. Road family uxorilokal the customary uxorilokal and consists of a senior nuclear family with conjugal families of daughters

E. Family Small ambilineal

This kinship group occurs when a large family who untrolokal got a personality conscious citizens, not only for life, but there are since two-three forces in the past. This group usually consists of a small approximately 25 to 30orang, still know each other and know the family links. Ambilineal small family groups of this kind took control of productive assets, whether in the homeland, the forest can be enjoyed by all citizens. Thus a family ambilineal is berkoporasi kinship group or a corporate kingroup.

F. ambilineal Large Family

Ambilineal families often consist of more than three or four forces, handed down by an ancestor who did not know each other. The number of this group of hundreds that they do not know each other.
G. Small Klen

small klaen a kinship group consisting of spacious family segabungan who have a common ancestor and bound lines male offspring. Namely patrilineal line, or through the lineage of women is matrilineal.
The function of a kinship group called small clan are:
  1. Maintain a set of inheritance or holding customary rights or communal property rights over productive assets, usually land with all things that exist on the ground.
  2. Undertake productive activities in the field of livelihood as a whole.
  3. Do all kinds of mutual assistance activity as a whole.
  4. Arrange a marriage with customary maintain exogami.

Klen  Large

Klen big a kinship group that consists of all the descendants of an ancestor through the lineage of a kind of citizens both men and women. There are two kinds of large clans, which are patrilineal and matrilineal. Klen usually have four functions namely; (1) regulate marriage, (2) organize the religious life of the entire group as a whole, (3) an order for relations between classes layered within the community, (4) the basis of political oganisasi. Clan (clan) of which are kinship consisting of all the descendants of a person's ancestors who lived in a few generations ago and described as a sacred ancestral figures and has a characteristic that is extraordinary. Membership of a large clan lineage drawn berdasarkanpada both men and women. So much so that its members do not all know each other, but they have an identity that characterize such as name, song, sacred tales, and symbol-emblem.

The clan functions are as follows:
  1. Organize religious life.
  2. Be a layered framework of inter-class relations in society
  3. Arranged marriage system members
  4. Land development of a political organization.

I. Fratri
Fratri refers to groups of patrilineal and matrilineal kinship localized, and a combination of local clan groups. Merging is not always equitable and involves all major clans. The function of this fratri nearly equal to a large clan, but is more local fratri that functions more concrete.

J. half Society

Half of society is combined clan kinship groups similar to fratri. However, half of the community has a characteristic, namely that a society kinship group is half of the entire society that exist in a particular region.
The function of half of society is broadly nearly equal to a large clan and fratri. However, half of the people still have an important function, namely political function to maintain a balance between power by force in society. It is intended for those who have power in society bertendak not arbitrarily against people who do not have power.


Understanding the Community
                Community is a collection of various populations living in a particular area waktudan that interact and influence to one another. Community has a degree of integration is more complex when compared to individuals and populations. Generally speaking community is a social group of organisms that share the environment, generally have an interest and the same habitat. In human society, the individuals in it can have the intent, belief, resources, preferences, needs, risks and a number of other similar conditions. Community communitas comes from the Latin meaning "sameness", then can be derived from communis, meaning "common, public, shared by all or many.

Large Community

       Large community is that community members are more than 20 people. Examples of a great community is like a political party.

Small community

Small communities are groups in which all its citizens can still know each other-know one another and get along with less frequency or greater. Membered small communities usually begin 5-20 people. Examples of small communities such as:

  • Band (group hunting nomadic) small community of nomadic hunting and gathering within a given territory. Hunt group is usually a small group of nomadic and generally do not exceed 80 to 100 members.
  • Village or Village is a small group of sedentary life in a region that remains. Tribes who live in the village used to live from farming or fishing. In a society in the form of small communities around the world often looks for a mutual great mutual help, so that the entire life of the community based flavors contained in the soul of its members. Sense of helping the Indonesian language used term mutual cooperation. According Bergel (1955) Desa (village) is applied to two senses.

  1. 1. village as any settlement of farmers, regardless of the large-small size.
  2. 2. There are also villages of trade; does not mean that the entire village is involved in trading activities, but some people in the village eyed pencahariaan trade.
  3. Characteristics of the village:
  • The role of primary groups.
  • Geographic factors that determine as a basis for the formation of groups / associations.
  • The relationship is more intimate and durable.
  • Homogeneous.
  • Soscial low mobility.
  • The family is emphasized its function as an economic unit.
  • Pediatric population in greater proportion.

Four Activity Help-help
Mutual assistance in agricultural activities, some households, the feast preparations and ceremonies, catastrophic events / accidents / deaths.
  • Please help in agricultural activities
  • Please help in activities around household
  • Please help in the preparation of the party and ceremony
  • Please help in the event of accidents, disasters and deaths

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