Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Kinship systems Batak tribes ( II )


To the Batak, especially Batak Toba, a fellow of the clan are prohibited from marrying. If you violate this provision, then the offender will get a customary sanction. It is intended to honor a person's surname. Also that the descendants of the clan can develop. This shows that they are upholding the traditional values ​​and clans have a high position.

To the Batak, marital contains sacred value. Therefore sanctity must be accompanied by a customary marriage. Said to be sacred because it means sacrifice for the bride. He "sacrificed" to give one's life a living human being that girl to others paranak parties, the groom. The men also have to appreciate the expense or dedicate one's life is also in the form of slaughter a cow or buffalo. The animals will be fine dining or traditional food in ulaon performance (traditional wedding Batak).

There are several series of traditional wedding ceremony Batak nation.

  • The first circuit as an opening is Mangariksa and Pabangkit Hata. Mangariksa is the visit of the bridegroom to the women, followed by Hata Pabangkit process or application.
  • The second circuit is Marhori-Hori Wall, which is talking more about marriage plans and his party.
  • The third is Patua Hata, the parents give advice or counsel as a preparation to the bride later. This process is a process that is very serious.
  • The fourth is a series called Marhata Sinamot, namely the men approached the woman to talk about money honestly or in Batak language is tuhor.
  • Next is Pudun Sauta or eat with both parties. Food brought came from the men. Then followed by a series of
  • Martumpol sixth namely, the signing of a letter perstejuan both sides. Then a series of ketujuah is Martonggo King, the ceremony or the wedding will be held. The procession is to inform people about the wedding will be held.
  • The eighth circuit is manjalo-Pasu Pasu Parbagosan, the blessing of the bride and groom were conducted by the church if their religion is Protestant.

This procession is paramount and should not be missed because of the Batak is a devout Christian.
The last series is the Feast Performance. This procession is the last series of the whole series of weddings. All families berpesata and distribute the meat to the shelter or family.

The circuit does seem complicated, cumbersome and inconvenient. But it is a culture that is owned by one of the tribes of the nation of Indonesia.

Division Inheritance

In inheritance, that inheritance is a boy because Batak based on patrilineal kinship. While girls get a share of her husband's parents, or in other words the women's inheritance by way of grants.
Division of inheritance for boys are also not arbitrary because the distribution of the property there is specificity that is a tad most small or in Batak language it is called Siapudan. And he gets a special legacy.

If you do not have a boy, then his property fell into the hands of his father's brother. While his daughter did not get any of the wealth of parents. The reason is because your father obtain the inheritance, should provide for all the needs of the testator's daughters until they are married.
See nutrient distribution system legacy in Batak, still impressed Ancient. Customs regulations more strictly and firmly impressed. It was shown in inheritance girls do not get any.

The Batak have confidence Parmalim, the division of inheritance focused on the woman. This happens because it is associated with family kinship system is also based on emotional ties of kinship. Not based on mathematical calculations and proportionate. Usually because the parents are fair to their children in the division of inheritance.

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