Monday, January 18, 2016

School of education and Values in Nation Building Character

School of education culture

Sekolah Dasar
Education is practically inseparable from cultural values. In maintaining and preserving their own culture, in the process mantransfernya the most effective way of education. Both are very closely related as complementary and supportive between satru each other.

Any educational purpose is to preserve and constantly improve the culture itself, with culture school of education  we could transfer itself from one generation to the next.

And also we as a society aspires to the realization of a society and culture that better in the future, then it is self-education we too should be better again.

A. Culture

Culture as a result of the human mind, in various forms and menifestasinya, known throughout history as belonging to people who are not rigid, but always evolving and changing and foster people to adjust to changes in cultural and traditional challenges of the times to enter the modern age.

Humans as sentient and cultured always working to make changes. With its creative and dynamic man continues to evolve to improve the quality of life is increasingly continues to advance, when alamlah that control human nature that does not iddle curiousity (taste keinginantahuan evolving) the longer the power of taste, creativity and karsanya have dadpat transformed nature into something useful, then alamlah controlled by humans.

Culture is a human work that includes including philosophy, art, literature, religion, the interpretation and assessment of the environment.

B. Education

In a simple and common sense meaning of education is a human effort to cultivate and develop the
potential of both physical and spiritual disposition in accordance with the values ​​that exist in society.

As according to Carter V.Good in Dictinary of Education that education comprises:

1. The process of skills development in the form of one's attitudes and behaviors that prevail in society

2. The social process in which a person is affected by something that guided environment (eg schools) so that it can achieve social skills and develop personal.

Meanwhile, according to a concept put forward by Freeman Butt in his famous book Cultural History of Western Education that:

Education is activity and provide knowledge so that culture can be passed from one generation to the next.
School of education is done by educational activities and philosophies to explain the educational process, aligning, criticize and change based on issues of cultural contradictions.

The values ​​in character in schools of education are :

1. Religious
Attitudes and behavior that dutifully in carrying out the teachings of their religion, tolerant implementation of the practice of other religions, and live in harmony with other faiths.

2. Honest
Behavior based on an attempt to make himself as a person who always trustworthy in word, action, and jobs.

3. Tolerance
Attitudes and actions that respects differences of religion, race, ethnicity, opinions, attitudes, and actions of others who are different from themselves.

4. Discipline
Actions showed orderly behavior and comply with various rules and regulations.

5. Work Hard
Actions showed orderly behavior and comply with various rules and regulations.

6. Creative
Think and do something to generate new ways or the result of something that has been owned.

7. Independent
Attitudes and behavior that is not easy to depend on others to complete tasks.

8. Democratic
Ways of thinking, being, and acting the same rights and obligations judging himself and others.

9. Curiosity
Attitudes and actions which seeks to determine the depth and spread of something learned, seen, and heard.

10. The spirit of Nationality
How to think, act, and sound that puts the interests of the nation above self-interest and group.

11. Love Homeland
How to think, act, and sound that puts the interests of the nation above self-interest and group.

12. Rewarding Achievement
Attitudes and actions that encourage him to produce something useful for society, and recognize and respect other people's success.

13. Friendly / Communicative
Attitudes and actions that encourage him to produce something useful for society, and recognize and respect other people's success.

14. Love Peace
Attitudes and actions that encourage him to produce something useful for society, and recognize and respect other people's success.

15. Joy of Reading
Habits take time to read a variety of literature that gives virtue for him.

16. Environmental Care
Attitudes and actions which seeks to prevent damage to the surrounding natural environment, and develop efforts to repair the environmental damage that has occurred.

17. Social Care
Attitudes and actions have always wanted to help other people and communities in need.

18. Responsibility
Attitudes and behavior of people to carry out his duties, he should do, to ourselves, community, environment (natural, social and cultural), country and God Almighty

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