Friday, January 22, 2016

Tech teach program of teachers in schools

The role of teachers in schools

The role of teachers in schools in building the character of a nation is determined by its position as a teacher, educator and as an employee. The main thing is as teachers and educators that is as a teacher. Based on his position as a teacher he must show proper behavior for teachers According to the expectations of society. The teachers pay attention to the demands of the public about proper behavior for teachers and make it as a norm of behavior in all social situations inside and outside the school.

The role tech teach programof teachers in relation to students vary According to social interaction situations it faces items, namely formal situations in teaching and learning in the classroom and formal in informal situations. In the situation that in an effort to educate and teach children the teacher in the classroom teachers should be Able to demonstrate the dignity or authority,

However, we are very confident and are increasingly aware that only through the world of education is our nation will be advanced, so it can catch up with other nations in the world, as well as a barometer of the quality of human resources.

Effort to reform education and teaching is done not as smooth as planned, because of the problems emerged in the process of teaching and learning in schools. Many people give very diverse meanings of education,. Azyumardi Azra in the book "New Paradigm of National Education Reconstruction and Democratization", Gives the notion of "education" is a process in the which a nation preparing to run the lives of the younger generation and to meet life goals Effectively and efficiently.

From the description above Reviews These problems broken down into a number of points Including the following:

  1. Tech programs teach the role of the teacher?
  2. What is a formal education?
  3. What is the role of teachers in formal education?
  4. What is to build a national character?
  5. How is the teacher's role in building the nation's character?
Renewal of teaching in schools can be Reached by referring to the priority in building the character of the nation's teachers in formal education. Awareness of the students can be nurtured and cultivated through formal education with a variety of approaches.

  • In this paper translated into Several specific goals, Including the following:
  • Teach tech program for teacher.
  • Education structured and tiered terdidri of the top early childhood education, elementary education, secondary education and higher education.
  • Teachers provide assistance and encouragement, monitoring, and coaching as well as community development communicators.
That tech teach program in education or educating not only limited to the transfer of knowledge alone, but may change or shape the character and the character of a person in order to Become better. The teacher as an example or a model for the community and the nation. This paper will discuss:

  1. Tech Teach program Role of Teachers
  2. Formal education
  3. Role of Teachers in formal education
  4. Build national character
  5. The teacher's role in building the nation's character.

A. Tech programs teach the role of teachers

The role of teachers as educators tech teach the program (nurturer) the roles associated with tasks to give help and encouragement (supporter), the tasks of supervision and coaching (supervisor) as well as tasks related to child discipline for the boy to be Obedient to the rules -aturan school and norm of life in the family and society.

The teacher's role as a the model or example for children. Each child's teachers expect them to be an example or a model for him. Therefore, the behavior of both programs teach tech teacher educators, parents or community leaders should be in accordance with the norms-adopted by the community, state and nation. Because the values ​​of the state and nation of Indonesia is Pancasila, the behavior of educators must always be infused by the values ​​of Pancasila

The role of the teacher as a communicator of community development. A teacher is expected to play an active role in the development in all fields that are being Carried out. He can develop his abilities in the fields of teaching dikuasainya.membuat plan, noting the results of learning and so is a valuable document that he had been carrying out Reviews their duties properly.

B. Formal education

Formal education is a structured educational paths and tiered consisting of early childhood education, elementary education, secondary education programs teach tech, and formal education institutions tinggi.Pada Generally adalh place the most likely person to improve the knowledge, and the easiest to Cultivate the younger generation Carried out by government and society.

Therefore what the school actually was? School is an institution with tech programs teach an organization that is neatly arranged and all the activities planned deliberately curriculum called The purpose of formal education institutions are as a science, a developing nation, a place to Strengthen the community that education is panting for the provision of life in society.

C. The programs teach tech role of teachers in formal education

The role of teachers in schools is determined by its position as an adult, as a teacher and educator and as pegawai.Yang most important is his position as a teacher and educator that is as a teacher. Based on the position as a teacher he must show proper behavior for teachers According to the expectations of society.

Instead of hope - hope to challenge people's behavior guidelines for teachers. Teachers widened teacher-teacher attention to the demands of the public about proper behavior for teachers and make it as a norm of behavior in all situations in formal situations sosial.Dalam teachers educate and teach children in the classroom teacher must be Able to demonstrate authority or authorities, meaning he should be Able to Control, Regulate, and control the behavior anak.Dengan his authority to enforce discipline and order for smooth teaching and learning process

D. Build the nation's character

When we refer to with that in education or educating not only limited to the transfer of knowledge alone, but further and understanding it is more important is to be Able to change or shape the character and the character of a person in order to Become better, more polite at the level of ethics and aesthetics as well as behavior in everyday life.

But what happens in the present era? We encounter the behavior of our students were less polite, even more ironic was not willing to respect parents, teachers and others. Many people who say that the "character" with "character" (cough) is very thin difference. If the "character" can happen.

Because it is from nature or can be due to congenital factors that are difficult, to change, but if "character" = cough, easily cured by taking cough medicine. Why does this happen? Obviously this can not be separated any progress or the rate of science and technology and the globalized information, even not Recognize national boundaries to Affect all aspects of human life to

E. Tech programs teach the role of teachers in building the nation's character

No need to doubt, that character education is an effort that should involve; all parties, both the household and the family, the school and the school environment, the community at large.
Therefore, build character and national character through education is absolutely Necessary, the event can not be postponed, ranging from lingklingan Households, schools and communities to imitate the character who deserves to be emulated. Hopefully in the future of our nation more civilized, advanced, prosperous today, tomorrow and forever . So of the teacher has an important role in building the nation's character.

F. Conclusion

The role of teachers as educators (nurturer) the roles associated with tasks to give help and encouragement (supporter), the tasks of supervision and coaching (supervisor) as well as tasks related to child discipline for the boy to be Obedient to the rules - school rules and norm of life in the family and society.

Destination formal educational institutions as a place The scientific late, a developing nation, a place to Strengthen the community that education is panting for the provision of life in society. In addition, no less important in public education. Also Community environment influences the character and the character of a person. Wider community environment greatly Affects the success of planting ethical values, aesthetic for the formation of character.

Build character and national character through education is absolutely Necessary, the event can not be postponed, ranging from lingklingan Households, schools and communities to imitate the character who deserves to be emulated. Hopefully in the future of our nation more civilized, advanced, prosperous today, tomorrow and Forever. So of the teacher has an important role in building the nation's character.

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