Monday, January 18, 2016

Country culture profiles of Maimun Palace

History Maimun Palace as country culture profiles

Maimun Palace, sometimes also called Putri Hijau palace, a palace of the kingdom of greatness Deli. The palace is dominated by yellow, the color of the greatness of the Malay kingdoms. Construction of the palace was completed on August 25, 1888 AD, during the reign of Sultan Ma'mun al-Rashid Perkasa Alam. Sultan Ma'mun was the eldest son of Sultan Mahmud Perkasa Alam, founder of the city of Medan.

Since 1946, the palace was inhabited by the heirs of the Sultanate of Deli. In certain times, this palace is often held performances of traditional Malay music. Usually, performances are held in order to enliven the joy of weddings and other events. In addition, twice a year, the Sultan of Deli normally held an extended family relationship between the palace. On each evening of Friday, the family of the sultan held an indigenous rawatib (sort wiridan family).

For the visitors who come to the palace, they could still see the collections on display in the meeting room, such as family photographs sultan, household furniture old Dutch, and various types of weapons. Here, too, there is a stump cannon which has its own legend. Medan people call this cannon as cannon butts.

Butts cannon story is linked to Putri Hijau. Narrated, in the Eastern Empire Kingdom, there lived a beautiful princess, named Putri Hijau. He called such, because the body emits green color. He has two brothers, namely Mambang Yasid and Mambang fanciful. Once upon a time, there came the King of Aceh propose Putri Hijau, however, this proposal was rejected by both his brother. Aceh king became angry and attacked the Eastern Empire Kingdom. Raja Aceh defeated Mambang Yasid. When the army was about to enter the palace Aceh kidnapping Princess Green, sudden miracle, Mambang fictional suddenly turned into a cannon and shot indiscriminately without stopping. Due to continuous firing bullets toward Aceh forces, then the gun was split in two. The front was found in the area Surbakti, in the Karo highlands, near Kabanjahe. While the rear was thrown to Labuhan Deli, then transferred to the page Maimun Palace.

Every day, the palace is open to the public, unless there is holding a special ceremony.

a. Location
The palace is located in the street Brigadier General Katamso, Talbot village, subdistrict of Medan
Palace Maimun
Maimun, Medan, North Sumatra.

b. Size
Spacious palace approximately 2,772 m, with a yard which covers 4 hectares. The length of the front backward reached 75.50 m. and building height reached 14.14 m. Two-storey palace building, supported by wooden pillars and stone

Every afternoon, usually a lot of children who play in the spacious courtyard.

c. Architecture
Building architecture is a mix between the features of Moghul architecture, the Middle East, Spain, India, the Netherlands and Indonesia. Dutch architectural influence appears in the form of doors and windows are wide and high. But, there are some doors that show the influence of Spain. Islam looks at the influence of the existence of the arch (arcade) on the roof. The arch height ranging from 5 to 8 meters. The arch shape is very popular in the Middle East, India and Turkey.

Palace building consists of three main hall, namely: the main building, right wing and left wing. The main building called the Hall with an area of ​​412 m2, which is the royal throne. Royal throne used in certain events, such as the coronation of the king, or when receiving the adoration of the royal family in the days of big Islam.Di the building also contained a large crystal chandelier European style.

Inside the palace there are 30 rooms, with a unique interior design, a blend of art from different countries. From the outside, the palace overlooking the east it looks like the palace of the Moghul kings.

d. Planners
There are several opinions as to who the real designer of this palace. Some sources mention an architect designer Italian nationality, but did not know his name for sure. Another source, the tour guide on duty at the palace, reveals that the architect was a Dutch lieutenant named TH Van Erp.

e. Renovation
The palace was impressed less well maintained, perhaps, this is due to the lack of cost-owned by the sultan. During this time, the cost of treatment is very dependent on the donations of visitors. To appear more beautiful, it should be done the renovation, of course with the help of all the parties concerned with the fate of the nation's cultural heritage.

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