Thursday, January 28, 2016

Majapahit kingdom (Brief History)

Kings coledge Majapahit

After the fall of King Sri Kertanegara, Singhasari kingdom was under the suzerainty Jayakatwang of Kadiri. One king’s college descendants kings college ruler Singhasari, Raden Wijaya, then tried to regain control of his ancestors. He is a descendant of Ken Angrok, Singhasari first king and son of Dyah Ox-Tal. He is also known by other names, namely Nararyya Sanggramawijaya. According to historical sources, Raden Wijaya is actually still counted Kertanagara-law's nephew. Pararaton book mentions that he marry the king's two children at once, but the book Nagarakertagama states instead of two but four daughters all married Kertanagara. At the time Jayakatwang attack Singhasari, Raden Wijaya ordered to defend the capital in the north. Singhasari led to the defeat suffered by Raden Wijaya seeking refuge to a village called Kudadu, tired of being chased by enemy troops with the rest king’s college stay twelve people.

Thanks to the help king’s college village chief Kudadu, Raden Wijaya group can cross the sea to Madura and there protection from Aryya Wiraraja, a regent king college island. Thanks to the help Aryya Wiraraja, Raden Wijaya then be returned to Java and accepted by the king colege Jayakatwang. Not long after he was given a scorching forest areas to be opened into the village, with the pretext to anticipate enemy attacks from the north kings colege river Brantas. Thanks to the help Aryya Wiraraja he then founded a new village named Majapahit. In this village Raden Wijaya then lead and gather strength, especially the people who are loyal to the late Kertanegara derived from Daha area and Tumapel. Aryya Wiraraja itself to prepare its forces in Madura to help Raden Wijaya when the time is needed. Rupaya he does not like the king Jayakatwang.

Unforeseen that in the year 1293 Jawa arrival of Chinese troops sent by Kubhilai Khan to punish Singhasari humiliation ever received envoy in 1289. This large amount of troops after a stop in Sydney for a few months and then enters the Java through direct Brantas river leading to the Daha. Arrival is known by Raden Wijaya, he asked for permission to join the Chinese troops were received with joy. Daha invasion carried out from land or river that runs fierce throughout the morning until noon. The combined forces of China and Raden Wijaya 5,000 troops managed to destroy Daha. With the power of living a half, Jayakatwang retreat to refuge in the castle. Afternoon, realizing that he could not defend anymore Daha, Jayakatwang out king’s college fort and gave himself for later captured by Chinese troops.

Escorted by two officers and 200 troops of China, 

Escorted by two officers and 200 troops of China, Raden Wijaya asked permission to go back to Majapahit to prepare a tribute to the emperor Khubilai Khan. However, by using ruse both officers and guards managed destroyed by Raden Wijaya. In fact, he turned to lead Majapahit troops stormed remaining Chinese forces were not aware that Raden Wijaya will do so. Three thousand members kings college royal troops king’s college Chinese Yuan may be destroyed by the troops of Majapahit, the rest fled from the exit of Java by leaving many victims. Finally ideals Raden Wijaya to drop Daha and reply hurt to Jayakatwang can be realized by utilizing foreign soldiers. He then proclaimed the founding of a new kingdom called Majapahit. Raden Wijaya in 1215 crowned the first king with the title of Sri Kertarajasa Jayawardhana. The four children Kertanegara made consort with a degree Dyah Dewi Sri Parameśwari Tribhūwaneśwari, Dyah Dewi Sri Mahadewi Narendraduhitā, Dyah Dewi Sri Jayendradewi Prajnyāparamitā and Rājendradewi Dyah Dewi Sri Gayatri.

From Tribhūwaneśwari he obtained a boy named Jayanegara as crown prince who ruled in Kadiri. Gayatri he obtained two daughters, Tribhūwanottunggadewi Jayawisnuwardhani domiciled in Jiwana (Kahuripan) and Rājadewi Mahārājasa in Daha. Raden Wijaya still married to a wife again, this time coming from Jambi in Sumatra named Dara plot and has a child from her named Kalagěmět. Another woman who also came along Dara Dara Orange Plots ie, diperisteri by relatives king’s college of title 'god' and had a son named Lord Janaka, who were later known as Adhityawarman, king of Malay in Sumatra. The arrival king’s college two women of Jambi is the result of friendship yaang diplomacy carried out by the king Kertanagara Malay Jambi to work together to stem the influence Kubhilai Khan. On the basis of friendship is this king of Malay, Śrimat Tribhūwanarāja Mauliwarmadewa, sending two relatives to marry the king Singhasari. From historical records note that Dara Orange did not feel at home in Majapahit and finally returned to his hometown.

Raden Wijaya died in 1309 was replaced by Jayanegara. As at the end of his reign, the reign of Jayanegara much undermined by the uprising of people who previously helped Raden Wijaya establish the kingdom of Majapahit. The struggle for influence and betrayal led to many heroes who rendered great services eventually branded as enemies king’s college kingdom. At first Jayanegara also influenced by incitement Mahapati dispute that the culprit is, but then he realized this mistake and ordered the police to execute the trust it. In such a situation arises soldier who was smart and brave named Gajah Mada. He appeared as a figure who managed mamadamkan Kuti rebellion, when his position at that time only existed as king’s college guard (jacks Bhayangkari). His skills and diplomatic maneuver in the future will bring Gajah Mada in a very high position in the government Majapahit kingdom, which is as Mahamantri kingdom.

At the time of Jayanegara relations with China rebounded. Trade between the two countries is increasing and many Chinese who settled in Majapahit. Jayanegara ruled about 11 years, in 1328 he was killed by his doctors called Tanca because philandering with his wife. Tanca then executed by Gajah Mada.

Since it has no son, leadership of Majapahit was eventually taken over by a sister Jayanegara named Jayawisnuwarddhani, otherwise known as Bhre Kahuripan according to the territory ruled by him before becoming queen. But the uprising in the country that continues causing Majapahit always in a state of war. One is rebellion Sadeng and Keta in 1331 to bring back the name of Gajah Mada to the surface. Both can be extinguished by a clear margin in the Majapahit. Following the events of this, Mahapatih Gajah Mada pronounce his oath famous, that he would not amukti palapa before subjecting areas in the archipelago, such as the Desert (Borneo), Seran (?), Tanjongpura (Borneo), Haru (Maluku?), Pahang (Malaysia), Dompo (Sumbawa), Balinese, Sundanese (West Java), Palembang (Sumatra), and Tumasik (Singapore). To prove his vow, in 1343 he succeeded ditundukan Bali.

Jayawisnuwaddhani queen reigned for a long time

Jayawisnuwaddhani queen reigned for a long time, 22 years before resigning and being replaced by his son from his marriage Hayam Wuruk Cakradhara, ruler Singhasari region. Hayam Wuruk crowned as king in 1350 with a degree Sri Rajasanāgara. Gajah Mada continue to serve as Patih Hamangkubhūmi (Mahapatih) that have been gained while serving the king's mother. In the reign of Hayam Wuruk of Majapahit reached the peak of greatness here. Gajah Mada ambition to subdue the archipelago achieve a result in this period so that the perceived influence of Majapahit power to peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Maluku, to Papua.

But West Java can only be conquered in the year 1357 through a battle known as events Bubat, ie when the marriage plans between Dyah Pitaloka, daughter king’s college king of Padjadjaran, with Hayam Wuruk turned into warfare open field Bubat, namely a court in the capital king’s college kingdom kings college location The royal party camp. Dyah Pitaloka effect of war was suicide caused a political marriage king’s college two kingdoms in Java failed. Pararaton book mentioned that after the event Hayam Wuruk held a large ceremony to honor the Sundanese people who died in the incident. It should be noted at the same time bring the real kingdom of Majapahit also conducting eskpedisi to Dompo (Padompo) headed by a senior named Nala.

After the events Bubat, Mahapatih Gajah Mada resigned due to old age, while Hayam Wuruk finally marry his own cousin named Paduka Sori, son of Bhre Wengker still counted her aunt.

Hayam Wuruk under the rule kings college Majapahit kingdom into an empire that is strong, both in economics and politics. Hayam Wuruk ordered the manufacture of dams and water channels for irrigation and flood control. A number of river port was designed to facilitate the transport and unloading of goods. Fourteen years after he ruled, Mahapatih Gajah Mada died in 1364. Position patih Hamangkubhūmi not filled for three years before finally Elephant Enggon Hayam Wuruk appointed to fill the position. Unfortunately, not much information about Elephant Enggon in inscriptions or texts that may reveal the Majapahit era exploits.

King Hayam Wuruk died in 1389. Daughter, which constitute his own nephew named Wikramawarddhana ascended the throne as king, it is not Kusumawarddhani which is a direct line of descent from the Hayam Wuruk. He reigned for twelve years before resigning as pastor. Before abdicated he assign it to her daughter, Suhita become queen. It is not approved by Bhre Wirabhumi, the son of a concubine Hayam Wuruk who wants the throne from his nephew. The power struggle led to a civil war known as the War Paregreg. Bhre Wirabhumi originally gained kemenanggan eventually had to flee after Bhre Tumapel intervened to help the Suhita. Bhre Wirabhumi lost even eventually killed by Raden Elephant. The family dispute brought a never-ending grudge. Several years after the killing Bhre Wirabhumi now turn Raden elephant put to death for the killing innocent nobles.

Suhita died in 1477, and therefore do not have children then the position was replaced by his brother, Bhre Tumapel Dyah Kertawijaya. Soon he ruled replaced by Bhre Pamotan titled Sri Rājasawardhana also only three-year reign. Even between the years 1453-1456 Majapahit empire does not have a king was due to conflicts within the family more pointed. The situation eased when Dyah Sūryawikrama Giriśawardhana ascended the throne. He was not long in control kings college kingdom because after the seizure of power back berkecambuk. Such is the power alternated several times from the year 1466 until the year 1500. The news Chinese, Italian, and Portuguese still name the Majapahit in 1499 without mentioning the name kings college king. The more widespread influence kings college small kingdom of Demak in the north coast of Java, which is the religion of Islam, is one kings college causes kings college collapse kings college Majapahit kingdom.

1522 Majapahit no longer referred to as a kingdom but only a city. Government on the island of Java has been switched to Demak under the rule of Duke Unus, child Broken Raden, founder kings college kingdom of Demak which still Bhre Kertabhūmi descent. He destroyed Majapahit because he wanted to avenge his grandmother hurt, defeated king Dyah Girindrawarddhana Ranawijaya. So then in 1478 ruined as a kingdom of Majapahit ruler kings college archipelago and turned satusnya as king conquered areas Demak. Ended the series mastery Hindu kings in East Java started by Keng Angrok when establishing Singhasari empire, replaced by a new form of empire-style Islam.

Ironically, family disputes and resentment that led to the collapse of this empire sustained, not caused by the invasion of other nations who occupied the island of Java.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Rawa Pening folklore from Central Java

Rawa Pening folklore from Central Java

Folklore from Central Java are very popular. This is because Rawa Pening is now a tourist attraction that is much in demand by tourists. Mengetetahu folk legend that underlie the origin of Lake Swamp reel certainly be an additional insight for us all. Besides the story is very interesting to observe. Let us read together.

Folklore Rawa Pening - set Tales Legend of Central Java

In ancient times, there lived a boy magic. This miracle makes a bewitching malicious envy. Wicked witch conjured the child, so that her body covered in wounds with a very pungent odor. New injuries would appear so old wounds began to dry. The situation was the condition of his body, no one wants to touch him. Never spoken, adjacent course people do not want. They are afraid of contracting.
One day, the boy dreamed there was an old woman who can cure the illness. He also ventured looking old woman in the dream. In each village he visited, he always rejected by the population. They feel disgusted and expel this child.

Finally, he arrived at a village whose inhabitants are mostly people who are arrogant. Not a lot of people who are poor in the village. They will be expelled or made uncomfortable if you stay there. It is disturbing little ones.

At a party held in the village, this little boy made it. However, people soon throw and lashing at him. He was immediately dragged out.
At the time dragged, he advised people to be more noticed that people do not have. Hearing the words of the boy, a few people getting angry, even spit on him, saying, "The children of the Devil, children's ugly!"

The boy was hurt by the treatment of these people. Then, he stuck a stick in the ground don said, "No one else could take a stick from the ground, only I can do it!"

People doubted the child's speech. They are trying to pull out the stick. However, no one can do. Within a few days, the stick can not be uprooted. One day, in secret, the child came don stick revoke it. Without his knowledge, there was a resident who saw it and reported it to the other resident.
From the stick was removed, the spring flows. The longer, the water was getting heavy. Water submerge the area, so that it becomes a lake that is now called Lake Swamp Pening.

There were no survivors of the accident except an old woman who kindly gave him a place to stay and take care of him. Miraculously the child's skin disease was cured.
However, the evil wizard who has bewitched the child that does not receive the healing. Then, he bewitched the boy into a large snake with a bell necklace around her neck.
That said, this snake is often out of the nest at midnight. Whenever move, twang necklace around her neck always reads klentang-klenting. The sound is then made called New Klinting.

The emergence of the snake diyakinin community as a sign of good luck for fishermen who do not get fish.

Today, Lake Rama Pening is a very popular tourist attraction in Central Java. The place is located in the village of Bukit Cinta, Regency Ambarawa.

The moral of Folklore Rawa Dizziness From Central Java is the respect of others and do not hate each other. Never just judge someone from their appearance alone. What looks attractive can be bad for us and vice versa, what we do not like to be helpful to us.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Tech teach program of teachers in schools

The role of teachers in schools

The role of teachers in schools in building the character of a nation is determined by its position as a teacher, educator and as an employee. The main thing is as teachers and educators that is as a teacher. Based on his position as a teacher he must show proper behavior for teachers According to the expectations of society. The teachers pay attention to the demands of the public about proper behavior for teachers and make it as a norm of behavior in all social situations inside and outside the school.

The role tech teach programof teachers in relation to students vary According to social interaction situations it faces items, namely formal situations in teaching and learning in the classroom and formal in informal situations. In the situation that in an effort to educate and teach children the teacher in the classroom teachers should be Able to demonstrate the dignity or authority,

However, we are very confident and are increasingly aware that only through the world of education is our nation will be advanced, so it can catch up with other nations in the world, as well as a barometer of the quality of human resources.

Effort to reform education and teaching is done not as smooth as planned, because of the problems emerged in the process of teaching and learning in schools. Many people give very diverse meanings of education,. Azyumardi Azra in the book "New Paradigm of National Education Reconstruction and Democratization", Gives the notion of "education" is a process in the which a nation preparing to run the lives of the younger generation and to meet life goals Effectively and efficiently.

From the description above Reviews These problems broken down into a number of points Including the following:

  1. Tech programs teach the role of the teacher?
  2. What is a formal education?
  3. What is the role of teachers in formal education?
  4. What is to build a national character?
  5. How is the teacher's role in building the nation's character?
Renewal of teaching in schools can be Reached by referring to the priority in building the character of the nation's teachers in formal education. Awareness of the students can be nurtured and cultivated through formal education with a variety of approaches.

  • In this paper translated into Several specific goals, Including the following:
  • Teach tech program for teacher.
  • Education structured and tiered terdidri of the top early childhood education, elementary education, secondary education and higher education.
  • Teachers provide assistance and encouragement, monitoring, and coaching as well as community development communicators.
That tech teach program in education or educating not only limited to the transfer of knowledge alone, but may change or shape the character and the character of a person in order to Become better. The teacher as an example or a model for the community and the nation. This paper will discuss:

  1. Tech Teach program Role of Teachers
  2. Formal education
  3. Role of Teachers in formal education
  4. Build national character
  5. The teacher's role in building the nation's character.

A. Tech programs teach the role of teachers

The role of teachers as educators tech teach the program (nurturer) the roles associated with tasks to give help and encouragement (supporter), the tasks of supervision and coaching (supervisor) as well as tasks related to child discipline for the boy to be Obedient to the rules -aturan school and norm of life in the family and society.

The teacher's role as a the model or example for children. Each child's teachers expect them to be an example or a model for him. Therefore, the behavior of both programs teach tech teacher educators, parents or community leaders should be in accordance with the norms-adopted by the community, state and nation. Because the values ​​of the state and nation of Indonesia is Pancasila, the behavior of educators must always be infused by the values ​​of Pancasila

The role of the teacher as a communicator of community development. A teacher is expected to play an active role in the development in all fields that are being Carried out. He can develop his abilities in the fields of teaching dikuasainya.membuat plan, noting the results of learning and so is a valuable document that he had been carrying out Reviews their duties properly.

B. Formal education

Formal education is a structured educational paths and tiered consisting of early childhood education, elementary education, secondary education programs teach tech, and formal education institutions tinggi.Pada Generally adalh place the most likely person to improve the knowledge, and the easiest to Cultivate the younger generation Carried out by government and society.

Therefore what the school actually was? School is an institution with tech programs teach an organization that is neatly arranged and all the activities planned deliberately curriculum called The purpose of formal education institutions are as a science, a developing nation, a place to Strengthen the community that education is panting for the provision of life in society.

C. The programs teach tech role of teachers in formal education

The role of teachers in schools is determined by its position as an adult, as a teacher and educator and as pegawai.Yang most important is his position as a teacher and educator that is as a teacher. Based on the position as a teacher he must show proper behavior for teachers According to the expectations of society.

Instead of hope - hope to challenge people's behavior guidelines for teachers. Teachers widened teacher-teacher attention to the demands of the public about proper behavior for teachers and make it as a norm of behavior in all situations in formal situations sosial.Dalam teachers educate and teach children in the classroom teacher must be Able to demonstrate authority or authorities, meaning he should be Able to Control, Regulate, and control the behavior anak.Dengan his authority to enforce discipline and order for smooth teaching and learning process

D. Build the nation's character

When we refer to with that in education or educating not only limited to the transfer of knowledge alone, but further and understanding it is more important is to be Able to change or shape the character and the character of a person in order to Become better, more polite at the level of ethics and aesthetics as well as behavior in everyday life.

But what happens in the present era? We encounter the behavior of our students were less polite, even more ironic was not willing to respect parents, teachers and others. Many people who say that the "character" with "character" (cough) is very thin difference. If the "character" can happen.

Because it is from nature or can be due to congenital factors that are difficult, to change, but if "character" = cough, easily cured by taking cough medicine. Why does this happen? Obviously this can not be separated any progress or the rate of science and technology and the globalized information, even not Recognize national boundaries to Affect all aspects of human life to

E. Tech programs teach the role of teachers in building the nation's character

No need to doubt, that character education is an effort that should involve; all parties, both the household and the family, the school and the school environment, the community at large.
Therefore, build character and national character through education is absolutely Necessary, the event can not be postponed, ranging from lingklingan Households, schools and communities to imitate the character who deserves to be emulated. Hopefully in the future of our nation more civilized, advanced, prosperous today, tomorrow and forever . So of the teacher has an important role in building the nation's character.

F. Conclusion

The role of teachers as educators (nurturer) the roles associated with tasks to give help and encouragement (supporter), the tasks of supervision and coaching (supervisor) as well as tasks related to child discipline for the boy to be Obedient to the rules - school rules and norm of life in the family and society.

Destination formal educational institutions as a place The scientific late, a developing nation, a place to Strengthen the community that education is panting for the provision of life in society. In addition, no less important in public education. Also Community environment influences the character and the character of a person. Wider community environment greatly Affects the success of planting ethical values, aesthetic for the formation of character.

Build character and national character through education is absolutely Necessary, the event can not be postponed, ranging from lingklingan Households, schools and communities to imitate the character who deserves to be emulated. Hopefully in the future of our nation more civilized, advanced, prosperous today, tomorrow and Forever. So of the teacher has an important role in building the nation's character.

Travel locations in Kediri Mandatory Visited

East Java turned out to have a lot of the city with an attractive tourism potential. One of the city should also be on the list when exploring your destination is the East Java town of Kediri. This city is the third largest city in East Java after Surabaya and Malang. Although known as a major commercial center for sugar products and cigarettes, it Kediri also save a lot of sights that must be visited. What are ya attractions in Kediri? Check out his review below.

1. Kelud
Kelud is the most active volcano in Indonesia, aside from Mount Merapi. The last time the mountain erupted in early 2014 is the last. Until now, many tourists who visit this mountain as beautiful scenery and lovely offered by Kelud. Those who come to the mountain is not only climbers, but also ordinary tourists. You can reach the heights of the mountain high enough with the vehicle because the road is paved and fairly easy to follow.

2. Monument Simpang Lima Gumul
If there is the Arc de Triomphe Paris, then in Kediri there Simpang Lima Monument Gumul or
shortened to MSLG. The building was built in 2003 and inaugurated in 2008. There are still relatively new, but his fame has been known in Indonesia. Especially for those who love hunting, this location is well suited as a place memuasakan your photography hobby. In addition, this MSLG also a hangout hits. Name the intersection of five itself is caused because the building is located at the junction of five roads that Gampengrejo, Pare, Capping, Pesantren and Plosoklaten.

3. Niagara Dolo
Like most other cities in East Java, the weather in the city of Kediri also fairly hot. Therefore, a visit to a waterfall tour also you must try. Its location in the village of Jugo, or about 20 km from downtown Kediri. To be able to reach the tourist attractions in Kediri, you have to do trekking with a fairly uphill road. But do not be afraid tired and bored because you can drop into the strawberry and vegetable farm not far from the location of the waterfall. You are also allowed to pick strawberries in the garden.

4. Gumul Paradise Island
If you are on vacation with the family Kediri, Gumul Paradise Island is well suited as a place to
spend a holiday. Tourist attractions in Kediri is located in Jalan Simpang Lima Gumul West, not so from MSLG famous. Here there are many playground and entertainment that can be enjoyed. With facilities are okay, you and your family can enjoy a flying fox, speed slider, swimming and others. For the price of admission Gumul Paradise Island itself is fairly cheap, at 20,000 rupiah to 15,000 rupiah adults and for children.

5. Source Ubalan Kediri
When looking for sites related to nature, you can try visiting the source Ubalan. It is located at 18 km east of the town of Kediri. This area is protected forest areas that can serve as a place to unwind well as recreation. There are many playground suitable for children and adults in this area, as well as swimming pools, water bikes, fishing pond and stage entertainment.

6. Kediri Waterpark
Who would have thought it Kediri has a waterpark with a surfboard the longest in Indonesia. Kediri
Waterpark is located 15 km from downtown Kediri. This tourist spot is perfect for a family holiday, especially with a group of your children and relatives. There is a playground that is diverse, ranging from pool to pool play exciting. To get into one of the tourist attractions in Kediri The most popular of these, you have to pay 50,000 Rupiah for Monday through Friday and 70,000 rupiah for Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. For children with height below 120 cm there is a special price of only 15,000 rupiah.

7. Cave Selomangleng
In the past, this cave is used by Dewi Kilisuci, the daughter of the King grants to exile and imprisoned. According to the story, Dewi Kilisuci never refused throne given to him, so that then the goddess tried to isolate themselves. Evidence of its existence can be seen from the reliefs contained inside or outside the walls of the cave. Not surprisingly, this cave has its own historical value. If you want to visit this cave, located about 7 km from the center of the town of Kediri, precisely in the Village Waung, Mojoroto.

8. Kampung English
Pare in the area, there is a village where the people use English for everyday communication. Yes,
Kampung English is the area where you can find hundreds of English language colleges. This village is famous in Indonesia, even if you want to speak English fluently, you can come to this village. During the school holidays, many students or students who spend the time to learn here. Interesting huh?

9. Surawana
Still in the area of ​​Pare, Kediri, here there is a small temple which can be visited by the public. His name Surawana, tourist attractions in Kediri is a historic Hindu temple patterned. Mentioned that the temple was built in the 14th century with the aim to honor King Bhre Wengker, the king of the kingdom Wengker. If you want to know a little history about what is in Kediri, there is no harm in trying a visit to Surawana.

10. Museum of Photography
Want to know about the town of Kediri but do not have a long enough time for sightseeing? Come to
the Museum of Photography Kediri. There are hundreds of photos of the town of Kediri in the days of yore. Here you can learn and know about how such Kediri in antiquity.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Karo tribe culture and art

Karo tribe is indigenous tribes who inhabited the Highlands Karo, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Tribal name was used as one of the district name in one of the areas where they lived (Karo highlands) is Karo. This tribe has its own language called Karo language. Custom clothing Karo tribe is dominated by red and black and filled with gold jewelry.

The existence of the kingdom of Haru-Karo

Haru-Karo empire began to become a great empire in Sumatra, but it is not known exactly when the establishment. However, Brahma Putra, in his book "Karo from Age to Age" says that in the 1st century AD already empire in North Sumatra king named "Pa Lagan". Judging from the name it is a language derived from the Karo tribe. Could it be that at that time the kingdom of emotion already there ?, it still requires further research. (Darman Prinst, SH: 2004)Haru-known royal Karo grow and develop at the same time with the Majapahit kingdom, Sriwijaya, Johor, Malacca and Aceh. Proven for the kingdom of Haru had fought with these kingdoms.
The kingdom of Haru identical to the Karo tribe, which is one of the tribes in the archipelago. In the golden age, the kingdom of Haru-Karo from Aceh Besar to the river Siak in Riau. Haru-Karo existence in Aceh can be ascertained with some names of villages there that comes from Karo. For example Kuta Raja (now Banda Aceh), East Aceh Binjei Kuta, Kuta Reef, Kuta Alam, Lubok Kuta, Kuta Lakshman Mahmud, Kuta Cane, Blang Kejeren, and others
There is Karo tribe in Aceh Besar in Aceh dialect called Karee. Haru-Karo tribe existence in Aceh is recognized by H. Muhammad Said in his book "Aceh Throughout the Ages" (1981). He stressed that the native of Aceh Besar is similar Batak descent. It was not clear where the hobo descendants of the original inhabitants. Meanwhile, HM Zainuddin in his book "Tarikh Aceh and Archipelago" (1961) argued that in the valley beside the kingdom of Aceh Besar Islam there Karo kingdom. Selanjunya mentioned that a native or earth son of the 20th Mukim mixed with Karo tribe in the Acehnese language called Karee. Brahma Putra, in his book "Karo Throughout Age" says that the last king Karo tribe in Aceh Besar is Manang Ginting Suka.
Karo in Aceh group later changed its name to "The Lhee Reutoih" or the three hundred. Naming thus associated with the event of a dispute between Hindu Karo tribe by tribe there agreed resolved by a duel. A total of three hundred (300) people Karo tribe will fight with four hundred (400) Hindu tribal people in a open field. Duel can be reconciled and since then the Karo tribe called the three hundred and Hindus called the four hundred.
Later there is mixing between Hindu Karo tribe by tribe and they are referred to as the Jasandang. The other group is the Imam Pewet and The Tok Batee which is a mixture of ethnic immigrants, such as: The Hindu, Arabic, Persian, and others.

Karo tribe region

Frequent mistakes in everyday conversation in the community that identified with Taneh Karo Karo. In fact, Taneh Karo much wider than Karo because it includes:

Tanah Karo

Karo is located at the foot of Mount Sinabung (photo taken around 1917).Karo is located in Tanah Karo highlands. The town is famous in this region is Brastagih and Kabanjahe. Brastagih is a tourist town in North Sumatra, which is famous for its agricultural products are superior. One of them is the fruit juice and beverage products are well known as a producer of passionfruit juice are well known to the entire archipelago. The majority of the Karo tribe settled in this mountainous region, precisely in the area of ​​Mount Sinabung and Mount Sibayak often referred to as or "Taneh Karo Simalem". Many uniqueness contained in the Karo people, both from the geographic, natural, and forms cuisine. Cuisine Karo, a unique one is called trites.Trites presented during the cultural festival, such as weddings, parties entering the new house, and the annual feast called -Work-year. This Trites material taken from isilambung cows / buffaloes, which has not been issued as kotoran.Bahan this is processed in such a way is mixed with the aroma of spices that sharply reduced and the stomach contents can be enjoyed. The cuisine is a favorite food treats first given to respected.

Medan city

Founder of the city of Medan is a son that Guru Patimpus Karo Sembiring Pelawi.Binjai. Binjai is an area that has the strongest interaction with the city of Medan due to the relatively close proximity of the city of Medan as the capital of the province of North Sumatra.


Dairi district is generally very fertile with the prosperity of the people through coffee plantations are highly qualified. Most Dairi regency which is Taneh Karo:• District of Taneh Pinem• Three District of Lingga• Gunung Sitember

Southeast Aceh District

Taneh Karo in Southeast Aceh district include:• District of Sigala-gala Lau (Lau Village Deski, Perbunga Lau, Lau Kinga)• Simpang Simadam

Southeast Aceh District

Taneh Karo in Southeast Aceh district include:• District of Sigala-gala Lau (Lau Village Deski, Perbunga Lau, Lau Kinga)• Simpang Simadam


Karo tribe has a social system or a custom known as merga Silima, said Siwaluh, and rakut sitelu. Karo society has a clan system (clan). Karo clan or in a language called the merga called for men, while for women called Beru. Merga or Beru is carried on the back of someone's name. Merga in Karo community consists of five groups, called merga Silima, which means that the five clans. Fifth merga are:
1. Karo-karo2. Tarin3. Ginting4. Sembiring5. Perangin-wind
Fifth merga still have submerga respectively. Karo everyone has one of these merga. Merga obtained automatically from the father. Merga father also merga children. People who have the same merga or Beru, as sisters in the sense of having a common ancestor. If the man surnamed same, then they are called (b) ersenina, as well as between women and women who have the same Beru, then they are called (b) ersenina. But between a man with a woman who bermerga the same, they are called erturang, that prohibited the marriage, except in merga Peranginangin Sembiring and no one can marry among them.

Marga Karo

Merga Karo Karo tribe there are five groups, namely: Karokaro, Ginting, Tarin, Sembiring, and Perangin-wind. Clan (family name) in the Karo tribe called merga unlike the case with ethnic Batak (Silindung-Samosir-Humbang-Toba) called the clan.

Branches merga Karo tribe and spreading.

A. Merga Karokaro and branches

1. Karokaro Sinulingga in Lingga, Festive Star, and Mount Merlawan.2. Karokaro Surbakti in Surbakti and elephants.3. Karokaro Kacaribu in Kutagerat and Kerapat4. Karokaro Sinukaban in Kaban and SUMBUL.5. Karokaro Barus Barus Ginger, Pitu Kuta.6. Karokaro Simbulan in Bulanjulu and Bulanjahe.7. Karokaro Jung in Kutanangka, Kalang, Perbesi, and Batukarang.8. Karokaro Primitive Kabanjahe, Berastagi, and Lau Tch (Deli Hulu).9. Karokaro Ketaren in the Kingdom, Ketaren Sibolangit, and Pertampilen.10. Karokaro Gurusinga in Gurusinga and Rajaberneh.11. Karokaro Kaban in Pernantin, Kabantua, Stars Hilariously, Tubes Naman, and Linga.12. Karokaro Sinuhaji in Ajisiempat.13. Karokaro Once in Seberaya.14. Karokaro Kemit in Kuta Bale.15. Karokaro Hill Hill and Reed Awar.16. Karokaro Sinuraya in Bunuraya, Singgamanik, and Kandibata.17. Karokaro in Samura Samura.18. Karokaro Sitepu in Naman and Sukanalu

B. Merga Ginting and branches

1. Ginting Munte in Kutabangun, Ajinembah, Kubu, Dokan, Responsibility, Munte, Rajatengah, and Moon Ginger.2. Ginting Babo in Gurubenua, Munte, and Kutagerat.3. Ginting Sugihen in Sugihen, Juhar, and Kutagunung.4. Ginting Gurupatih in Reed Naman, Sarimunte, Naga, and Lau Kapur.5. Ginting Ajartambun in Rajamerahe.6. Ginting Capah Hill and Kalang.7. Rice Laupetundal Ginting.8. Ginting Garamata in (Simarmata) Central Raja, Tengging.9. Ginting Jadibata in Juhar.10. Ginting Suka Ajartambun in Rajamerahe.11. Ginting Manik in Tengging and Linga.12. Ginting Sinusinga in Lion.13. Ginting Jawak in Cingkes (?)14. Ginting Seragih in Lingga Julu.15. Ginting Tumangger in Kidupen and Kemkem.16. Ginting PASE on .... (lost?)

C. Merga Tarin and branches

1. Tarin Sibero in Juhar, Kutaraja, Keriahen, Munte, Tanjung Beringin, Selakar, and Linga.2. Tarin Pond in Kebayaken and Sukanalu.3. Tarin Silangit Mount festive.4. Tarin Old Pergendangen, Talimbaru.5. Tarin scolds at Suka.6. Arid Tarin in Nagasaribu and Berastepu.7. Tarin Gerneng in Cingkes (Simelungun).8. Tarin Gana-Gana in Batukarang.9. Tarin Jampang in Pergendangen.10. Tarin Tambun in Rakutbesi, Binangara, Sinaman etc.11. Tarin flocking in Lingga.12. Tarin Week (Branch of Pond) in Sukanalu13. Tarin Purba in Purba (Simelungun) 

D. Sembiring and branches

I. Sembiring Siman source (not regular blood interbreeding with other Sembiring branch, meaning: not allowed marriage with fellow merga Sembiring).
1. Sembiring Kembaren in Samperaya and almost all failed Liang Melas.2. Sembiring Sinulaki in Silalahi.3. Sembiring Keloko in Pergendangen.4. Sembiring Sinupayung in Juma King and the State
II. Sembiring Simantangken source (no marriages performed between branch merga Sembiring)
1. Sembiring Colia in Kubucolia and Seberaya.2. Sembiring Pandia in Seberaya, Umbrella, and Beganding.3. Sembiring Gurukinayan in Gurukinayan.4. Sembiring Berahmana in Kabanjahe, Perbesi, and Limang.5. Sembiring Meliala in Sarinembah, Munte Rajaberneh, Kedupen, Kabanjahe, Naman, Berastepu, and Biaknampe.6. Sembiring Pande Shaded in Reed Naman and Gurusinga.7. Sembiring Tekang in Kaban.8. Sembiring Muham in Implant and Perbesi.9. Sembiring Depari in Seberaya, Perbesi, and Munte.10. Sembiring Pelawi in Ajijahe, Perbaji, Kandibata and Silver Overlay (Deli).11. Sembiring Rot in Kidupen and Lau Perimbon.12. Sembiring Sinukapar in Pertumbuken, Sidikalang (?) Sarintono.13. Sembiring Rivet in Juhar and Rajatengah.14. Sembiring Kill Aji in Sukatepu, Kutatonggal, and Beganding 

E. Merga Peranginangin and branches

1. Peranginangin Namohaji in Kutabuluh.2. Peranginangin Sukatendel in Sukatendel.3. Peranginangin Mano in Pergendangen.4. Peranginangin Sebayang in Perbesi, Kuala, mountains and Kuta Gerat.5. Peranginangin Pencawan in Perbesi.6. Peranginangin Sinurat in Kerenda.7. Peranginangin Perbesi in Seberaya.8. Peranginangin Ulunjandi in Juhar.9. Peranginangin Penggarus in Implant.10. Peranginangin Pinem in Serintono (Sidikalang).11. Peranginangin Uwir in Singgamanik.12. Peranginangin Laksa in Juhar.13. Peranginangin Singarimbun in Mardingding subdistrict, Kutambaru and Temburun.14. Peranginangin Keliat in Mardingding subdistrict.15. Peranginangin Kacinambun in Kacinambun.16. Build in Batukarang Peranginangin.17. Peranginangin headland Penampen and Berastepu.18. Peranginangin Benjerang in Batukarang 
Most of the clan Peranginangin and Sembiring can marry one another (inter-branch merga).There is also merga who do not deal with each other, namely Sejandi take or not to hold a marriage between merga concerned, for example: between Sembiring Tekang with Karokaro Sinulingga and between Karokaro Sitepu with Peranginangin Sebayang.

Rakut Sitelu

Another thing that is important in the makeup of the community is the raccoon sitelu Karo or daliken sitelu (meaning metaphorically is nan three furnaces), which means that the three bonds. Meaning sitelu raccoon is sangkep nggeluh (completeness of life) for Karo. Completeness in question is a social institution that is contained in Karo society which consists of three groups, namely:1. kalimbubu2. The child Beru3. senina

Kalimbubu can be defined as a family of givers wife, Beru child families taking or accepting a wife and family senina one strain descent merga or nuclear family. 

Said Siwaluh

Said Siwaluh is the concept of kinship Karo society, related to the narrative, which consists of eight groups:1. puang kalimbubu2. kalimbubu3. senina4. sembuyak5. senina sipemeren6. senina sepengalon / sedalanen7. children Beru8. children Beru minister

In the implementation of ceremonies, said Siwaluh can still be subdivided into more specific groups according to needs in the ceremony held, as follows:1. Puang kalimbubu is kalimbubu of kalimbubu someone2. Kalimbubu is a group of wives to family giver particular, kalimbubu can be grouped into:o Kalimbubu kalimbubu Bena-Bena or older, a group pemberiisteri to specific groups that are considered as a group of wives adal provider of the family. Eg A bermerga Sembiring-bere bere Tarin, then Tarin is kalimbubu Si A. If A has a child, then merga Tarin is kalimbubu Bena-Bena / kalimbubu parents of children 
A. So kalimbubu Bena-Bena or older kalimbubu is kalimbubu of the biological father.o Kalimbubu SIMADA dareh is derived from one's mother. Kalimbubu SIMADA dareh is the brother of one's mother. Dareh SIMADA kalimbubu called because they were deemed to have blood, because the blood is considered they are contained within nephew.o Kalimbubu iperdemui, which is used as a means kalimbubu kalimbubu because someone marrying the daughter of a family for the first time. So someone it becomes kalimbubu is based on marriage.3. Senina, ie they are bersadara because it has merga and submerga same.4. Sembuyak, literally means one and mbuyak se means womb, so that means is people who were born from the same womb or uterus. But in the Karo people this term is used for different senina submerga also, in Karo language called sindauh ipedeher (which is much to be close).5. Sipemeren, that is, people who their mothers siblings. This section is supported again by the siparibanen, namely those who have wives were sisters.6. Senina Sepengalon or Sendalanen, that is, those who brothers for having children memperisteri of Beru same.7. Children Beru, meaning those who have taken the wife of a certain family to diperistri. Beru child can occur directly for marrying a woman of certain families, and indirectly through the mediation of other people, such as children and the children's minister Beru Beru Beru singikuri.Anak again consists of:o older children Beru, Beru is a child in the family for generations. At least three generations have taken the wife of a certain family (kalimbubunya). Children Beru Beru child's parents are the main ones, because without his presence in a traditional ceremony made by the kalimbubunya, so the ceremony could not be started. Beru old child also serves as a subsidiary Beru singerana (as speaker), because of its function in traditional ceremonies as a speaker and leader of the family in the family kalimbubu in the context of traditional ceremonies.o Children Beru cekoh baka closed, namely Beru children who are directly able to know everything in the family kalimbubunya. Beru child sekoh baka lid is child sister of the head of the family. For example, Person A man, has a sister Si B, then the child is a child Beru Si B cekoh baka lid of Si A. In daily calls Beru child-bere bere also called mama.8. Children Beru minister, namely children berunya Beru child. Origin of the word minister is from the word meaning minteri straighten. So Beru minteri child has a broader sense as a guide, supervise and assist the kalimbubunya a ceremonial obligations. There is also the so-called Beru singkuri child, that child's children berunya Beru minister. Beru child prepares a dish in the context of traditional ceremonies.

Karo script

Karo script is ancient script used by the Karo people, but at present its use is limited to once almost never used lagi.guna complete way of writing needs to be fitted with child letters like o = ketolongen, x = sikurun, ketelengen and pemantekTraditional danceKaro tribe has several traditional dances, among them:• Piso Surit• Five Ones• Bright moon

Cultural Events

• Merdang MERDEM = "work year" accompanied "drum guro-guro aron".• Mahpah = "work year" accompanied "drum guro-guro aron".• Mengket Home Mbaru - Party entering the house (custom - worship) new.• Mbesur-mbesuri - "Ngerires" - making lemang time rice started bunting.• Ndilo Udan - summon rain.• rebu-rebu - similar party "work year".• Ngumbung - day pause "aron" (a collection of rural workers).• My Erpangir Lau - Throw Shit.• Raleng Tendi - "Ngicik Tendi" = call the soul after someone less quiet as shocked by an incident that was not unexpected.• shredding Rambai - small family party - friends taulan to memanggkas hair depleted babies (infants) are intertwined and not neat.• Wages Tendi Ngaloken Ring - a ring ceremony granting the request of the family of nieces (from Mama to Bere-bere or from Bibi to players).• Ngaloken Rawit - family ceremony awarding the blade (mashed pepper) or a dagger or small sickles in the form of a nephew demand (from Mama to Bere-bere) - nephew.

Merdang MERDEM

Merdang MERDEM or Work Year is a celebration in Karo Karo tribe. It is said that the MERDEM merdang a routine activity every year are usually held after the event finished planting rice in the rice fields. The celebration is part of thanksgiving to the Creator for the planting of paddy has been completed. Teriring prayer that the rice plants are blessed that are free of pests and produce an abundant harvest. Moments involving all citizens of the village is usually also used as a venue for young people to find a mate. Each event merdang MERDEM usually celebrated with drum guro-guro aron namely Karo traditional dance event involving young couples. Every district in Tanah Karo merdang celebrated in different MERDEM. Subdistrict Munte merdang MERDEM celebrated on the 26th day beraspati Medem Karo calendar which usually falls in the month of July.That said, the whole village feast all that meriahnya so long celebrations for up to six days where every day has a different meaning.• The first day, cikor-kor.The day is the beginning of preparation for the merdang MERDEM marked with activities looking kor-kor, a type of insect that normally exist in the soil. Generally located under the trees. On that day all the people went to the fields to search for kor-kor to be used as a side dish of food on that day.• The second day, cikurung.As well as on the first day of the second day was marked with activities looking at the brackets or paddy fields. Brackets are animals that live in the ground is wet or rice, commonly used as a side dish by Karo society.• The third day, ndurung.The third day was marked with activities looking nurung, designations for fish, in rice fields or river. On that day the inhabitants of the village meal with fish dishes. Fish caught are usually nurung carp, catfish commonly called sebakut, kaperas, eel.• On the fourth day, mantem or cut.The day is a day of celebration a day ahead of the summit. On that day the villagers cut cattle, buffaloes, and pigs to be used as a side dish.• The fifth day, Matana.Matana means feast day. On that day all the residents of each visit relatives. Each time visiting all the menus that have been collected since the cikor-kor, cikurung, ndurung, and mantem served. At that time all the people rejoice. Harvest has been going well and the planting of paddy has also been completed. Celebration typically centers on the square or commonly called los, a sort of hall where the celebration party. The event was enlivened by the drum there guro-guro aron where young people who have been decorated with traditional dress perform traditional dance. Celebration not only celebrated by the villagers but also relatives from outside the village participate are invited to add more lively atmosphere. On that day the hardest jobs is to eat. Because every time visiting relatives house rules shall eat.• The sixth day, befall.The day was marked by activities make Cimpa, typical food Karo, commonly called lepat. Cimpa basic ingredients are flour, brown sugar and grated coconut. Cimpa steeply in addition to extra dishes after meals. MERDEM merdang not complete without the presence of Cimpa. For other districts in Tanah Karo befallen replaced with ngerires activities that make the event that the Indonesian Rires called lemang. Cimpa or lemang durability long enough, it is still good to eat, even though it has been two days. Therefore Cimpa or Rires suited to serve as a souvenir for the guests when they returned.• The seventh day, rebu.The day is the last day of a series of a party of six days earlier. On this day there are no activities. The guests had returned to its original place. All residents stayed at home. Go-visit event has been completed. Go to the rice fields are also prohibited on that day. As well as the meaning of rebu itself which means not admonish, it was the day cooling-off after six days of partying. Diverse impression in the hearts stay attached to each of the villagers. Day tomorrow have been waiting to return to activity as usual days.

Piso Surit

Piso in Karo language actually means knife and a lot of people thought that Piso Surit is the name of a type typical knife karo. Piso Surit actually is the name of a bird that likes to sing. Birdsong is heard carefully when it seemed to be calling someone and sounded very sad.Piso Surit dance is a dance that depicts a girl who was waiting for her lover. The wait is very long and depressing, and is described as a bird Piso Surit who was calling.Piso song Surit Created By Djaga Depari a public figure karo well as national composer during the old order.