Thursday, February 11, 2016


Residents of the island of Nias are now nearly half a million, Indigenous - arguably unique traditions and complicated, too diverse. Nias is particularly famous for the social position of distinction in many rural communities, there is a competition in order to improve the position, and so big they lean on the celebration and exertion in an effort to honor the ancestors. This tradition has undergone major changes since the last century, however, they have not lost the spirit to compete.

Nias name probably comes from the term Niha, mean more or less the same as the "man". Nias Island or Tano Niha (Land of Man) is an island covering an area of ​​5,625 km2. This island is located on the outer circle west of the island of Sumatra, about 120 Km from West Sumatra region. Nias Island, off the coast of Sumatra was known with their villages which have a social structure like state, a magnificent mansion and distinctive architectural style.

Nias in terms of culture can be divided into three regions, namely North Nias, Central Nias and South Nias. In each of these areas there is a difference from a wide variety of art, language, and customs-at first glance may not look different, but history proves that the difference is born of competition-from all the regions of the island of Nias, Megalith tradition is still a fascinating culture.

People in Nias is very proficient in the activities of a statue, sculpture, painting, refine metals like gold and silver. In addition, they have also become a fisherman, hunt animals, farming-gardening and raising poultry. Nias cultural peculiarities set precisely reflected in the social and cultural order that covers a variety of life, architecture, art, and also relates to the nature of their beliefs.

Position and Society

Nias society was divided into nobles or the king, which is basically a descendant of the founders of
the village; ordinary people or ordinary people, who have the authority to rule; and Sawuyu or "slave" who formerly belonged to the aristocracy and lived outside the village. Although now the power structure seems to have been lost and the social system it has faded, but its influence is still felt very strong today.

All the noble families in Central and South Nias ascribed Hia descendants, ancestors supposedly fell from the top to the place known as Sifalagao in Gomo, Nias Central. Ordinary people can only trace their lineage through several generations. Marga royalty highly authoritative in every village is claiming to be a direct descendant of the founder of the village.

Position nobility and greatness is reflected in their designations: Salaha (high) or Si'ulu (from above), while the common people called sihono (the thousand) or sato (general). Even property from the nobility mark their position; also a big house, headgear highest, and sits at the highest elevation at the ceremony. Si'ulu can also be interpreted as the son of heaven or incarnation of the god of the earth.

It is obtained through inheritance and manufacture of gold jewels and jewelry and home ownership were great, making the nobles can maintain position. These objects serve as "notice" to other people about their high positions as well as a liaison between the nobility and their ancestors. In South Nias, imaging of the family-owned heritage jewel engraved on the walls of the house to remember the ancestors and the family's high position.

Although the nobles had great wealth, the size of a person is wealthy is based on its gold-jewels, Today, men who marry Nias is not enough just to collect pig and gold; gold should be used as jewelry and then held a celebration to ordain; hundreds of pigs slaughtered. In addition to state and show the wealth of the celebration-referred owasa in northern Nias or tawila in South Nias-nobles who organized the celebration will get a new title and privileges of others. While village leaders will be appointed and selected by Orahua, village council composed of nobles who influential.

Ceremonies ceremony

Nias people believe that, in the sky there are nine levels of heaven and at levels above the dwelling Lowalangi (God of Heaven). While they also believe there are nine other levels under the earth controlled by Latura (God of Death).

Nias community held a ritual and ceremonial sacrifices of animals intended for Lowalangi. Offerings such as eggs, produce, wine, and water intended for the ancestors and nature spirits. Other rituals are present at wedding celebrations, funerals or the funerals and feasts were held by the nobility.

Although nobility is entitled to the position because of heredity, Si'ulu degree must be authenticated through the celebration. Prior to the celebration that required it, a person can not accept and is entitled to a new honorary title; just after mengelenggarakan owasa, a person will be recognized as Si'ulu.

In owasa, everyone is trying to "outdo each other", for example the dignity will be lifted by the greater number of pigs supplied; then the meat will be distributed at the party to the public in accordance rank and class, giving the meat is also addressing respect for the guests. Giving meat on holy owasa also contain elements for Nias people "consider themselves" as the pigs of the gods, so the sacrifice of pigs symbolize human sacrifice. With other words, the prestige of a person is not measured by the amount of accumulated wealth, but by its ability to accumulate wealth to be shared.

Another important element is the structuring and implementation owasa continuous cooperation between the chiefs and villagers, nobles, and commoners whose support is needed to collect goods for the celebration. The nobles women are also able to finance their own celebration. Interestingly, a Man would put gold jewelry for his wife first before herself as a courtesy to the wife's family.

The common people are also allowed to hold a small celebration of the people. Of course, if they are quite prosperous, they are expected to do so. However, they are not as entitled to wear jewelery as worn nobility and not allowed too often hold celebrations; also prohibited from having a party to raise the level to the position of royalty.

In the salvation of this great party, the nobles tried to obtain the rights to join the ancestors in-god-kan. This is done by setting up a monument and memorial stone. Monuments in the form of a stone throne called osa-osa, decorated animal heads and stone building upright. Carved stone surface as a warning to the leaders is important.

Another kind of celebration, fondrakö also documented in the literature Nias. Some sources say that the celebration was held to reinforce customary law and also absolution for violations of the law that might have upset the balance of the universe. Fondrakö basically oath diikrarkannya the formation of ori (a collection of villages) when the village head members gather to determine the exchange rates of various goods, standardization of weights and measures, as well as the setting of interest.

Fondrakö confirms curse against anyone who violates the provision. It is said that the first fondrakö held by Hia-known from Gomo, and whenever there are members of the village who broke away to build a new village, held fondrakö to reaffirm the rule; there is always a pig is sacrificed.

Violation of the rules of the ancestors are believed to punishment in the form of pain and misfortune; and the ceremony of absolution should be implemented in a way to make a sculpture contest Horo tall headdress wearing branched stems. Formerly the clergy should wear headgear of fork-shaped timber at the ceremony fondrakö.

The people of Nias are still celebrates various ceremonies and parties with dances, games and rituals soldiering. Among the most spectacular event is a war dance, a show that is always present in each event Nias ceremony.

Ancestors and Gods

After death, the relationship with the ancestors persists. Wooden statues and sculptures contest called ancestral spirits carved as an intermediary between the living with the dead. Small statues depicting the deceased person is placed on the pole-family homes, and offerings of food placed on the altar shootout.

People who are still alive tried associated with spirits for various reasons, for example, notify their birth or marriage; also ask for help to keep an eye fortune family members. It is widely believed that the ancestors to protect people who are still alive, who are still alive must otherwise comply with all regulations made forebears, including customs and rules of marriage, in terms of social apartment layout, and so on. In return, the ancestors will ensure the preservation of public welfare.

In the past, the last request of a king before he died must be obeyed. and the tombs of the nobles, in addition to gold-gold or other valuables will also be buried with him.

The bodies were placed on an altar in advance decorated with leaves and plants as fragrances, the goal for the arrival of the ghost of his later if returned to their homes or home recognized by these fragrances.

Nias people will hold ceremonies and rituals of death and burial with singing, parties and dances that can last more than four days. During the ceremony it is not allowed ceremonial activities in addition to the mourning ceremony. The bodies are usually buried on the third day. a wooden sculpture called shootout created near the tomb so that the souls live in it and did not return.

soldiers Nias

Protection for Si'ulu entrusted best knights loyal and recruited by the nobles. They are equipped with a variety of weapons such as swords decorated with fangs and a crocodile's teeth. While the tiger's teeth can only be possessed by the best warriors and leaders.

Nias soldier dressed in black, often wearing masks of fiber-sera that his form is more sinister. In the past, soldiers armed welcomed honored guests in the village gate and accompany overlooking chieftain as a precaution when in fact he is the enemy. The soldiers also danced dressed in full war on marriage ceremonies, funerals, harvest ceremony, and salvation. That said, It is believed to ward off evil spirits.

In southern Nias, the youths on the train jumped over a stone wall, exercises to prepare them for war. Now, skipping stones held for entertainment. Stone pillar, called hambo stone, where youth jumping exercises, can still be found in many villages in Nias as an athletic activity that may indicate a person's ability and expertise Nias.

Architecture and Megalithic

Nias people famous architectural foundation that will consists of a fairly complicated arrangement with the arrangement of the pole upright and tilted. Building Nias really designed to withstand the shock of an earthquake resistant. Despite the sturdy pillars, on the other side of the building poles Nias has a level of flexibility because it does not directly anchored into the ground but only concentrated on the foundation stone.

The houses are mostly made of wood Nias by various ornaments and patterns are typical. Steep roof of the building and on the roof there is a "window" that can be opened, to ensure sunlight into the room as well as function to provide good air circulation. Nias house roof has its own peculiarities. The roof of the house was built very high-covered fibers of the palm-contemporary house roof made of zinc and some other materials have also been used to build houses.

Houses of the North Nias distinguished by a distinctive floor plans essentially due to an oval. The roof is made up of lighter structures with part of the roof which made the room without hindrance. This allows the upper level of lantainnya as a primary residence.

The house of chiefs or nobles called omo sebual. The building is very different from most homes. Apart from the architecture of the house, omo sebual many decorated with the "symbols of war and also a statue in the vicinity. Monuments of stone megaliths visible placed in front of the court, usually as a gathering place for the community. This stone not only consist of a form of menhirs, but also in the form of long benches, and stools and also throne bari King.

Monuments of stone (rock oil) located at the front of the house can address the social status of the owner of the house. Usually as a sign or warning and appreciation for his services-and services-ancestors in the past.

Not arbitrary to set up a stone monument. In the creation of menhir faulu governed by customary and approved by the head of customs. The right to erect a statue set up by the village council whose members will consider: Mokho (wealth), Molakhomi (leadership), Faasia (age or age), Onekhe (wit or finesse).

In terms of spatial village, Nias community generally build houses in two rows of houses (left and right) flanking the main road or ewali with floor-laintai stone as a base. Apart from being home to stay), Nias people are also familiar with the term home is used as a meeting place called bale. The location of the bale is usually located near the house of the head of customs and were near empty area that is wide enough (gorahua newali)

In the past, when it was still frequent wars and invasion of other areas, the village will usually be protected by a fence of bamboo poles that have been sharpened by the deep trench behind a fence. While on defense in the protected walls of rock that is thick enough to only have one entrance that is always guarded by the best warriors who live in homes in case.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Majapahit kingdom (Brief History)

Kings coledge Majapahit

After the fall of King Sri Kertanegara, Singhasari kingdom was under the suzerainty Jayakatwang of Kadiri. One king’s college descendants kings college ruler Singhasari, Raden Wijaya, then tried to regain control of his ancestors. He is a descendant of Ken Angrok, Singhasari first king and son of Dyah Ox-Tal. He is also known by other names, namely Nararyya Sanggramawijaya. According to historical sources, Raden Wijaya is actually still counted Kertanagara-law's nephew. Pararaton book mentions that he marry the king's two children at once, but the book Nagarakertagama states instead of two but four daughters all married Kertanagara. At the time Jayakatwang attack Singhasari, Raden Wijaya ordered to defend the capital in the north. Singhasari led to the defeat suffered by Raden Wijaya seeking refuge to a village called Kudadu, tired of being chased by enemy troops with the rest king’s college stay twelve people.

Thanks to the help king’s college village chief Kudadu, Raden Wijaya group can cross the sea to Madura and there protection from Aryya Wiraraja, a regent king college island. Thanks to the help Aryya Wiraraja, Raden Wijaya then be returned to Java and accepted by the king colege Jayakatwang. Not long after he was given a scorching forest areas to be opened into the village, with the pretext to anticipate enemy attacks from the north kings colege river Brantas. Thanks to the help Aryya Wiraraja he then founded a new village named Majapahit. In this village Raden Wijaya then lead and gather strength, especially the people who are loyal to the late Kertanegara derived from Daha area and Tumapel. Aryya Wiraraja itself to prepare its forces in Madura to help Raden Wijaya when the time is needed. Rupaya he does not like the king Jayakatwang.

Unforeseen that in the year 1293 Jawa arrival of Chinese troops sent by Kubhilai Khan to punish Singhasari humiliation ever received envoy in 1289. This large amount of troops after a stop in Sydney for a few months and then enters the Java through direct Brantas river leading to the Daha. Arrival is known by Raden Wijaya, he asked for permission to join the Chinese troops were received with joy. Daha invasion carried out from land or river that runs fierce throughout the morning until noon. The combined forces of China and Raden Wijaya 5,000 troops managed to destroy Daha. With the power of living a half, Jayakatwang retreat to refuge in the castle. Afternoon, realizing that he could not defend anymore Daha, Jayakatwang out king’s college fort and gave himself for later captured by Chinese troops.

Escorted by two officers and 200 troops of China, 

Escorted by two officers and 200 troops of China, Raden Wijaya asked permission to go back to Majapahit to prepare a tribute to the emperor Khubilai Khan. However, by using ruse both officers and guards managed destroyed by Raden Wijaya. In fact, he turned to lead Majapahit troops stormed remaining Chinese forces were not aware that Raden Wijaya will do so. Three thousand members kings college royal troops king’s college Chinese Yuan may be destroyed by the troops of Majapahit, the rest fled from the exit of Java by leaving many victims. Finally ideals Raden Wijaya to drop Daha and reply hurt to Jayakatwang can be realized by utilizing foreign soldiers. He then proclaimed the founding of a new kingdom called Majapahit. Raden Wijaya in 1215 crowned the first king with the title of Sri Kertarajasa Jayawardhana. The four children Kertanegara made consort with a degree Dyah Dewi Sri Parameśwari Tribhūwaneśwari, Dyah Dewi Sri Mahadewi Narendraduhitā, Dyah Dewi Sri Jayendradewi Prajnyāparamitā and Rājendradewi Dyah Dewi Sri Gayatri.

From Tribhūwaneśwari he obtained a boy named Jayanegara as crown prince who ruled in Kadiri. Gayatri he obtained two daughters, Tribhūwanottunggadewi Jayawisnuwardhani domiciled in Jiwana (Kahuripan) and Rājadewi Mahārājasa in Daha. Raden Wijaya still married to a wife again, this time coming from Jambi in Sumatra named Dara plot and has a child from her named Kalagěmět. Another woman who also came along Dara Dara Orange Plots ie, diperisteri by relatives king’s college of title 'god' and had a son named Lord Janaka, who were later known as Adhityawarman, king of Malay in Sumatra. The arrival king’s college two women of Jambi is the result of friendship yaang diplomacy carried out by the king Kertanagara Malay Jambi to work together to stem the influence Kubhilai Khan. On the basis of friendship is this king of Malay, Śrimat Tribhūwanarāja Mauliwarmadewa, sending two relatives to marry the king Singhasari. From historical records note that Dara Orange did not feel at home in Majapahit and finally returned to his hometown.

Raden Wijaya died in 1309 was replaced by Jayanegara. As at the end of his reign, the reign of Jayanegara much undermined by the uprising of people who previously helped Raden Wijaya establish the kingdom of Majapahit. The struggle for influence and betrayal led to many heroes who rendered great services eventually branded as enemies king’s college kingdom. At first Jayanegara also influenced by incitement Mahapati dispute that the culprit is, but then he realized this mistake and ordered the police to execute the trust it. In such a situation arises soldier who was smart and brave named Gajah Mada. He appeared as a figure who managed mamadamkan Kuti rebellion, when his position at that time only existed as king’s college guard (jacks Bhayangkari). His skills and diplomatic maneuver in the future will bring Gajah Mada in a very high position in the government Majapahit kingdom, which is as Mahamantri kingdom.

At the time of Jayanegara relations with China rebounded. Trade between the two countries is increasing and many Chinese who settled in Majapahit. Jayanegara ruled about 11 years, in 1328 he was killed by his doctors called Tanca because philandering with his wife. Tanca then executed by Gajah Mada.

Since it has no son, leadership of Majapahit was eventually taken over by a sister Jayanegara named Jayawisnuwarddhani, otherwise known as Bhre Kahuripan according to the territory ruled by him before becoming queen. But the uprising in the country that continues causing Majapahit always in a state of war. One is rebellion Sadeng and Keta in 1331 to bring back the name of Gajah Mada to the surface. Both can be extinguished by a clear margin in the Majapahit. Following the events of this, Mahapatih Gajah Mada pronounce his oath famous, that he would not amukti palapa before subjecting areas in the archipelago, such as the Desert (Borneo), Seran (?), Tanjongpura (Borneo), Haru (Maluku?), Pahang (Malaysia), Dompo (Sumbawa), Balinese, Sundanese (West Java), Palembang (Sumatra), and Tumasik (Singapore). To prove his vow, in 1343 he succeeded ditundukan Bali.

Jayawisnuwaddhani queen reigned for a long time

Jayawisnuwaddhani queen reigned for a long time, 22 years before resigning and being replaced by his son from his marriage Hayam Wuruk Cakradhara, ruler Singhasari region. Hayam Wuruk crowned as king in 1350 with a degree Sri Rajasanāgara. Gajah Mada continue to serve as Patih Hamangkubhūmi (Mahapatih) that have been gained while serving the king's mother. In the reign of Hayam Wuruk of Majapahit reached the peak of greatness here. Gajah Mada ambition to subdue the archipelago achieve a result in this period so that the perceived influence of Majapahit power to peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Maluku, to Papua.

But West Java can only be conquered in the year 1357 through a battle known as events Bubat, ie when the marriage plans between Dyah Pitaloka, daughter king’s college king of Padjadjaran, with Hayam Wuruk turned into warfare open field Bubat, namely a court in the capital king’s college kingdom kings college location The royal party camp. Dyah Pitaloka effect of war was suicide caused a political marriage king’s college two kingdoms in Java failed. Pararaton book mentioned that after the event Hayam Wuruk held a large ceremony to honor the Sundanese people who died in the incident. It should be noted at the same time bring the real kingdom of Majapahit also conducting eskpedisi to Dompo (Padompo) headed by a senior named Nala.

After the events Bubat, Mahapatih Gajah Mada resigned due to old age, while Hayam Wuruk finally marry his own cousin named Paduka Sori, son of Bhre Wengker still counted her aunt.

Hayam Wuruk under the rule kings college Majapahit kingdom into an empire that is strong, both in economics and politics. Hayam Wuruk ordered the manufacture of dams and water channels for irrigation and flood control. A number of river port was designed to facilitate the transport and unloading of goods. Fourteen years after he ruled, Mahapatih Gajah Mada died in 1364. Position patih Hamangkubhūmi not filled for three years before finally Elephant Enggon Hayam Wuruk appointed to fill the position. Unfortunately, not much information about Elephant Enggon in inscriptions or texts that may reveal the Majapahit era exploits.

King Hayam Wuruk died in 1389. Daughter, which constitute his own nephew named Wikramawarddhana ascended the throne as king, it is not Kusumawarddhani which is a direct line of descent from the Hayam Wuruk. He reigned for twelve years before resigning as pastor. Before abdicated he assign it to her daughter, Suhita become queen. It is not approved by Bhre Wirabhumi, the son of a concubine Hayam Wuruk who wants the throne from his nephew. The power struggle led to a civil war known as the War Paregreg. Bhre Wirabhumi originally gained kemenanggan eventually had to flee after Bhre Tumapel intervened to help the Suhita. Bhre Wirabhumi lost even eventually killed by Raden Elephant. The family dispute brought a never-ending grudge. Several years after the killing Bhre Wirabhumi now turn Raden elephant put to death for the killing innocent nobles.

Suhita died in 1477, and therefore do not have children then the position was replaced by his brother, Bhre Tumapel Dyah Kertawijaya. Soon he ruled replaced by Bhre Pamotan titled Sri Rājasawardhana also only three-year reign. Even between the years 1453-1456 Majapahit empire does not have a king was due to conflicts within the family more pointed. The situation eased when Dyah Sūryawikrama Giriśawardhana ascended the throne. He was not long in control kings college kingdom because after the seizure of power back berkecambuk. Such is the power alternated several times from the year 1466 until the year 1500. The news Chinese, Italian, and Portuguese still name the Majapahit in 1499 without mentioning the name kings college king. The more widespread influence kings college small kingdom of Demak in the north coast of Java, which is the religion of Islam, is one kings college causes kings college collapse kings college Majapahit kingdom.

1522 Majapahit no longer referred to as a kingdom but only a city. Government on the island of Java has been switched to Demak under the rule of Duke Unus, child Broken Raden, founder kings college kingdom of Demak which still Bhre Kertabhūmi descent. He destroyed Majapahit because he wanted to avenge his grandmother hurt, defeated king Dyah Girindrawarddhana Ranawijaya. So then in 1478 ruined as a kingdom of Majapahit ruler kings college archipelago and turned satusnya as king conquered areas Demak. Ended the series mastery Hindu kings in East Java started by Keng Angrok when establishing Singhasari empire, replaced by a new form of empire-style Islam.

Ironically, family disputes and resentment that led to the collapse of this empire sustained, not caused by the invasion of other nations who occupied the island of Java.